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If you'll be my friend we'll be together everywhere
We'll watch each other closely cause you know good friends really care
I'll smile when I see you and hug you when it's time to go
We'll have our little secrets that no one else will ever know

If you'll be my friend we'll do our best to make it fair
We'll split our treat in half, cause you know good friends always share
I won't have to pretend my friend, I can be myself for real
I know you'll understand me when I tell you how I feel

If you'll be my friend then I can even dare any try
to tell you silly words I made up, good friends are never shy
you'll tell a funny story I will share a scary dream
we'll always help each other, play together as a team

If you'll be my friend then even when we get upset
It never lasts too long cause you know good friends should forget
There's one more thing I'd like to say, and now I really mean it
my world is much more beautiful because I have you in it

(C) 2009 Alan Sanie. All Rights Reserved.